
Why did I choose this career? Experience at university and in what  I would like to work….

 I chose this career because I did not know what study, considering that my dream of studying  medicine  got frustrated and did not like my previous career, (I entered to chemistry and drugstore  in the university to Valparaiso),  because my score on PSU was not enough for medicine, later I had one sabbatical year to decide what to study. In the year 2016 I discovered many careers and not a single one was interesting to me, but in end of that year, close to PSU results a teacher talked to me about public administration and I considered that it was a good option because it’s a career that mixes many areas in learning and that I liked. My experience in the university has been good and calm.
I would like to work in a calm service nearby to my house and family, for example a SII, SNA, governance regional, etc.


  1. I'm glad you have a good experience, I hope it stays that way and good luck in what follows!


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