Public jobs

Public Jobs

The page I visit often is public jobs, it belongs to the national civil services directorate. I like to visit the summons section, because I can have a perspective of how job offers are in our area, also salaries, places where there is more labor offer, the fields and labor sectors, such as ministries, services, etc.
The format of the site is friendly, you can filter the information, highlighted with colored sections to filter for example the type of post, by professional area, by institution and region.
I visit it 2 or 3 times per month or when I'm bored I "entertain myself in that", in a way it gives me a little motivation to know that there is work in areas that interest me and that in general there are work opportunities. In the site there is also a section that allows us to send useful files for our area such as the updated administrative statute, the regulation on the public contest and among others.


  1. I appears a website very good, maybe someday I visit it. :PPPP


  2. That page is very good and useful for our career.
    I like your post!


  3. Genesis, your post is very helpful

  4. Hi Genesis!
    Iteresting website, many jobs for public administrators appear.


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